More on Traffic Exchanges

Posted on October 13, 2008. Filed under: Traffic Exchanges | Tags: , , , , , |

Last week the focus was on “Focus”. This week I want you to focus on your goals. What are your goals for today? What are you goals for the week?

These are short term goals designed to get you to your major or long term goal. Look at short term goals of simple steps taken to help you get to the your long term goals.

I write these goals on a post it note and keep it at my computer. You daily goals should be driving you to achieve your weekly goal.

One of the areas we need to have a plan or goal is the use of traffic exchanges. To help you out I’ve got a new PDF for you to download and read. Now this is not a huge file, so it is a quick and easy read and should help you to understand what you should be doing with traffic exchanges.

Here is the link: Successful Surfing

The report is written by Darrel Dean. I hope you enjoy and find the information useful.

I have been recommending this surf exchange for the last little while. I have to say right now it is my favorite to use. Lords of Traffic.

It’s free to join and the results are outstanding. See results from yesterday October 12th 2008

From my blog admin page

From my blog admin page

How many traffic exchanges are you surfing? Let me know.

What is your favorite traffic exchange? Let me know.

To your surfing success.


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Sunday Business Quote

Posted on October 5, 2008. Filed under: 1 | Tags: , , , |

Just thought I would get you off to a good start for the Week.

“Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.”
–Niccolo Machiavelli

How good are you at turning obstacles into opportunities?

This weeks Key to Business Success is

To help you keep focused I suggest you write up a short list each day of your goals. and post it somewhere you will see it several times during the day.

Here is what mine looks like for today:

Today’s Goal

Find Balance

What I Wish To Do

Work on Purpose Course

Newsletter for Monday

Food (I’m love cooking and I am planning a great supper)

Gardening (Another one of my passions)

So you see I am striving to create a balance to my day, as well as keep me focused.

I avoid “To Do” List like the plague. To Do Lists usually carry items that are determined by someone else, and therefore lack your enthusiastic support. Where as a “What I Wish to Do ” list is entirely driven by you and more likely to get accomplished.

To Your List Building Success

Nick Grimshawe

Building Businesses Together

Here is a great new Traffic Exchange I have been testing with good results.

Lords Of Traffic

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